lawn to garden
The owners wanted to revamp their yard to make it more welcoming for wildlife - and themselves. We started in the front so that one is greeted by a pollinator garden in the summer and woody plants that are interesting throughout the year. All of the plants were also selected to appeal to birds.
plant palette
Cornus florida 'Appalachian spring'
Dogwoods in spring are magical. This is a disease resitant strain
Witch Hazel
Hamamelis x Jelena
Blooms in late winter
Small Vase shaped tree
Chionanthus virginicus
Fringe trees are small trees that have interesting, airy fragrant spring blossoms. Grows well in part shade.
Pasture Rose
Rosa virginiana
Hardy beautiful rose with great hips.
Small shrub
Sweet pepperbush
Clethra alnifolia
The aroma of this plant is reason alone to grow it. The steeple shaped summer blooms are lovely and the winter shape of the branches is graceful.
Small shrub
Ilex glabra
A workhorse in the garden, easy to care for evergreen
Medium shrub
lex verticillata - Winter red (and Southern Gentleman)
Beautiful against the snow. Birds love the berries. When the plants get too large for their location you can take down and entire trunk for a winter floral arrangement.
Medium shrub
Sweet fern
Comptonia peregrina
Slow growing and spreading shrub with a wonderful scent and interesting flowers
Low Shrub
Carolina allspice
Calycanthus florida 'Aphrodite'
Carolina allspice blooms in early summer and keeps going. This cultivar is showier than the straight speicies and also fragrant.
5' to 10' tall and wide
Black Chokeberry
Aronia melocarpa
Medium shrub with bright red fall foliage and black berries that are liked by birds.
Black Chokeberry 'low mound'
Aronia melocarpa 'low mound'
Same, flowers, foliage and berries as the species plant but smaller
2' by 2'
Beach Plum
Prunus maritima
The medium-sized shrubs themselves are attractive plants and are covered with white blossoms in the spring and fruit that makes great jam.
5' by 7'
grasses / groundcover
Pennsylvania sedge
Carex pennsylvanica
Pennsylvania sedge is a native grass that grows naturally under oak trees and has been often recommended as a replacement for European lawn grasses. Its tough and spreads slowly by rhizomes. Flower stalks to 10'
This is recommended under the new dogwood trees.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Good ground cover with few weeds. Tolerates hot, dry, salty conditions. Great choice for the area between the sidewalk and the street.
Very Low Shrub
Christmas fern
Polystichum acrosichoides
Christmas fern is a good choice for shady areas and requires less moisture than most ferns.
Swamp milkweed
Asclepias incarnata
Despite its name, swamp milkweed does very well in ordinary garden soil. The pink blossoms are attractive to butterflies, especially monarchs.
3' tall, spacing 2'
3 plants
Purple Coneflower
Echinecea purpurea
Long bloom times and good cut flower. Prairie plant popular with polinators. Will probably self seed
36" tall spaced at 20"
5 plants + 2 large plants
Deep Blue lobelia
Lobelia siphilitica "Starship blue"
This lobelia is a cultivar with a flower that is more purple and less blue than the pure species.
2.5' tall, spacing 1.5'
5 plants
Moonshine Yarrow
Achillea 'moonshine'
A rabbit resistant cultivar of a native plant. The foliage is a bit more silver than the native and its a bit taller - generally more elegant.
2'" tall spaced at 1.5"
3 plants
White Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'David'
Strong summer flowering plants that don't flop and don't get too aggressive. This is a cultivar of a plant that is native to our south.
24" tall spaced at 2'
3 plants
Pink Garden Phlox
Phlox paniculata 'Flame pink'
Like David this phlox is a cultivar. This one is bred to be a bit smaller for the front of the border.
1.5" tall spaced at 1.5'
3 plants
Obedient plant
Physostegia virginiana
18" to 36"
spaced at 18"
4 plants
Blue lobelia
Lobelia siphilitica
Cheerful, self seeds. Nice with other blues and yellows
24" to 36"
spacing 12"
12 plants + 5 large 'Starship blue'
Moonbeam Threadleaf coreopsis
Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'
This short cheerful cultivar of an American prairie plant can take full sun and is drought tolerant
1.5' tall spaced at 1'
4 plants
Sunflower everlasting
Heliopsis helianthoides "Lemon Queen'
Tall yellow flowers in the middle of summer. Will form a large clump.
50" tall spaced at 12"
8 plants + 2 large plants
Double false Sunflower
Heliopsis helianthoides
This cultivar, like the pure species will bloom nearly all summer. This one is shorter and showy.
2.5' tall spaced at 1.5'
1 plant
Beeblossom 'Whirling butterflies'
Gaura lindeimeri 'Whirling butterflies'
Gaura starts to bloom in June and keeps going almost to frost. The flower stems bob and dance with the wind and when bees land on them, which they often do. Delightful
2.5' tall spaced at 1.5"
3 plants
Penstomen digitalis
Early summer flower spikes with interesting seed heads after
Plant 20" on center
13 plants
Blue vervain
Verbena hastata
Tall deep blue spikes.
48" tall spaced at 30"
12 plants
False Aster
Boltonia asteroides
Tall white flowers that start blooming in late summer when everything else is tired. Sometimes they flop over but this can be prevented by cutting the in half in early July.
50" tall spaced at 12"
10 plants
Lanceleaf Figwort
Scrophularia lanceolata
Not the showiest of plants but I love them, They are one of the world's best nectar producers and are very loved by pollinators for that. They have only recently been available for sale. They should spread
40" tall spaced at 20"
3 plants
New York aster
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
The ultimate fall plants of New England - asters.
36" tall spaced at 20"
13 plants
Smooth Blue aster
Symphyotrichum laeve
The ultimate fall plants of New England - asters.
24"" tall spaced at 24"
3 plants